Monday, April 4, 2016

Looking for the Right House--Water Test

Most would think that if the people are living there, that the water is probably just fine.
Or if they are getting the water from a well or underground stream that it must be good.
This isn't always the case. Nor is water from a municipal source, town or city or otherwise, it does not mean it is safe to drink.
I remember when I lived in Conshohocken, PA, we used to joke our water came from the Schukyll river and that it was one of the most polluted rivers around!  I don't know for sure if that is the case on any of those counts, but I do remember going to Philly as a kid in 1976 and stopping at the Civic Center and going into the bathroom and went to wash my hands and the water was tinged yellow in the sink. It was not good.
We used to put our tap water into the glass jugs that our orange juice came in and kept two in the fridge at all times. We'd use the one then fill it and put it to the back to chill as we brought the one in the back forward.
When I went into the Air Force, the water on the base always had a funny taste to it so I just couldn't drink it. I stopped drinking their water many years ago and began to drink bottled water.
My dad used to say when I was a kid that he knew one day we would have to pay for water. He was right. The water on Earth has become so polluted, it is hard to find a fresh, pure water source.
Just with the EPA cracking down in PA and making people get sand mound septic systems, to prevent the waste getting into the water table, spoke volumes.
Somehow, out in the country, I just didn't think it would be as much of a problem, but it still is.
The current owners to the house we are looking at, were pro-active and went and got their water tested only to have it come back with bacteria in it! Oh no! They are going to be installing a Ultra Violet Purification system that will kill 99.9% of all bacteria. I looked it up online and found this interesting ad/article about it as I remember the realtor or someone telling me that all that would need to be done is pour some bleach down there. Umm no. Take a look here:
So our inspectors are to be there on Wed and they will return later to retest the water again. I do know the pipes will need to be flushed out for sure. This bothers me a great deal and makes me worry. I know we were not planning to drink the water but still you wash your clothes in that and shower/bathe..etc. Its important to have good quality water.
Reminds me, I need to call Sparkletts/Crystal Springs again as they never got back with me about delivery service there in Maine. Just emailed them again. They did have one person call to ask if anyone had contacted me and I said no and they were going to report it to their supervisor and then nothing? DOH! I do love Sparkletts/Crystal Springs water a great deal but their customer service has always been lacking. I have had mixed experience with the drivers. Right now I have a guy who comes once a month and he's very nice. The one before him was horrid and often didn't stop by when he ran out of water! DOH! So since that happened a few times, I had to make sure I got 8 containers of water at a time as I hate to run out of water. It's a pain to have them sitting around but I'd rather have them than to run out. Just have to get a good place to put them.
It will be interesting to find out what happens and what results we will get after the inspection on Wed.

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