Friday, April 1, 2016

Looking for the Right House--Disclosure Packet

It was a little hairy this week as the realtor needed a statement from the bank saying that we were intending to go forward with the loan or were in the middle of processing it. Yet the bank contact said he could not give a statement outside the paperwork. He had sent the disclosure packet and had expected us to receive it last Friday or Saturday but it did not come until Tuesday.
Luckily, a letter of intent was included in the packet which we quickly signed, scanned and then emailed to our realtor so that we could fulfill that contract requirement as he had given us 5 days. He told me he normally gives 3 but felt he needed 5 for USAA.
I was thinking 10 would have been better! But it all worked out well.

Now the disclosure packet has all of the bank forms and loan documents that we will need to sign and send back via the fedex envelope they provided. These documents will go to the processor at the bank who will then work with us to continue on with the process.

We are sending those back today.

I will of course scan all the signed documents into my computer which I am keeping in a file and then the originals get sent off as per the instructions.

So that's one thing you should get for yourself if you don't have one yet, is a scanner. I can't begin to say how handy that has been to scan in documents and send things to people. So even if I did not need it for work, I would still have one. Plus, it is also nice to have a fax line although I am going to be doing away with that as I can always move the line to the phone and then fax out. The only thing there is remembering to move it back off the fax!

The bank has said all is moving forward fine as it should. They are going to call for the appraisal to be done now. My realtor told me it would take about 2-3 weeks for the appraisal to be done. It is mostly the time it takes to get an appraiser out there as the actual appraisal does not take long, like 30 minutes.

We also have the inspectors going out there with the realtors tagging along on the 6th.

These are the only two things that could stop this whole thing really. The big hitch to get past.
So I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Other than that, more packing this weekend and also sorting out storage to get it organized and pack up some of those items better. We also need to box up the VHS tapes, moving them out of these small cabinets and putting them on craigslist and giving them away. We want to make it as easy as possible for the move.

The haunt in the garage won't be packed up until after the appraisal comes back and all is ok. If it is a go, then we pack that monstrous thing. :) It will be nice to do that and will look so odd to be empty!

So that's it for now. All is quiet while the next steps are mostly in the hands of the realtor, bank, apprasier, and inspectors. :)

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